Cres - Insula activa

Inov-8 Cres trek 2014:: Jogging 27.09.2014. 10:00 27.09.2014. 14:30 10 km 300 m 300 m More...

Finished :: 171 registered, 169 paid, 169 numbered, 2 - REG 147 - FIN 15 - DNS 7 - DNF

BEL 4 Belgium
BUL 1 Bulgaria
CRO 144 Croatia
CZE 2 Czechia
ESP 1 Spain
GER 1 Germany
ITA 2 Italy
POL 1 Poland
SLO 15 Slovenia

BEL 4 Belgium
BUL 1 Bulgaria
CRO 142 Croatia
CZE 2 Czechia
ESP 1 Spain
GER 1 Germany
ITA 2 Italy
POL 1 Poland
SLO 15 Slovenia

BEL 4 Belgium
BUL 1 Bulgaria
CRO 142 Croatia
CZE 2 Czechia
ESP 1 Spain
GER 1 Germany
ITA 2 Italy
POL 1 Poland
SLO 15 Slovenia

Event - Public Race Registered Competitors Results


Startnine i prijave:

Cres - Insula activa

Cres - Insula activa

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser Cres - Insula activa is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser Cres - Insula activa directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to



Phone: +385917389490

Address: Riva creskih kapetana 11, 51557 Cres, CRO - Croatia

Organiser links