Riva Rafting Centar PA d.o.o.

skokovi u vodu 28.07.2022. 18:00 31.07.2022. 21:00 18.5 km More...

Finished :: 7 registered, 7 - REG

BIH 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina
CRO 4 Croatia
NOR 1 Norway

Event - Public Race Registered Competitors Results


Skokovi u vodu odvijat će se na gradskom mostu u Obrovcu.
Dodjela pehara i medalja za top 3 plasirana skakača u kategoriji žene i muškarci.
detalji uskoro....




Too see rules and regulations please visit this link:


Riva Rafting Centar PA d.o.o.

Riva Rafting Centar, Putnička agencija d.o.o.

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser Riva Rafting Centar PA d.o.o. is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser Riva Rafting Centar PA d.o.o. directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to timing@stotinka.hr

Website: http://riva-rafting-centar.hr/

Email: info@riva-rafting-centar.hr

Phone: +385 23 689 920

Address: Kruševo, Drage 7a., 23450 Obrovac, CRO - Croatia

Organiser links